No one I know has done a better job calling the church to be the church than Mark Dever. He was my pastor from 1994-2000, and I learned so much under his ministry. I got to see everything from hospital visits to Bible studies to preaching. Time and time again, he took us to Scripture to point out how often God reminds us that if we really love him, we'll love one another.
In his helpful little book, What is a Healthy Church? Dever suggests that we should not be surprised to discover God, one day, asking us some very specific questions:
God will ask each member of the body, "Did you rejoice with the other members of the body when they rejoiced? Did you mourn with those who mourned? Did you treat the weaker parts as indispensable, and did you treat the parts that most think less honorable with special honor? Did you give double honor to those that led and taught you?" (see 1 Cor. 12:22-26 and 1 Tim. 5:17).
Christian, are you ready for the day on which God will call you to account for how you have loved and served the church family, including your church leaders? Do you know what God says the church should be?
If you haven't read it already, pick up a copy of What is a Healthy Church? and grow in your love for the body of Christ.